Diocesan News
1505 results total, viewing 1461 - 1480
The election of Donald Trump came at a critical time in global efforts to reign in emissions from the burning of fuels like oil, gas, and coal — emissions that, among other ills, turn up the … more
Any sustained exposure to our secular media will show that the celebration of Christmas has little to do with Christ and everything to do with madcap escapades, debauched revelry, and wretched over … more
Usually articles in the Catholic Press during Advent start with quotes from the prophet Isaiah who promised a light will shine in the darkness or Amos who foretold that Bethlehem would be the birth … more
Well, the reaction to Donald Trump’s surprise election has certainly been interesting, hasn’t it? There have been tirades and tears, dramas and demands, petitions, pickets and protests. While … more
Two biographies of women religious caught my eye as I waited to offer Mass recently at St. Charles Borromeo Church, my home parish in Woonsocket. Both histories narrate a religious sister’s … more
For those of us using the Gospel and Catholic social teaching as our voting guide, choosing between the Democratic and Republican presidential candidates was an absolute dilemma. Hillary … more
The annual liturgical season of Advent, observed during the four weeks preceding the Solemnity of Christmas, has long suffered in the shadow of the older and longer liturgical season, Lent. Advent … more
If you close your eyes and listen carefully, you can hear the sound of doors being closed all over the world. Not in a violent way, as if they’re being slammed shut, but in a quiet, thoughtful and … more
There are many majestic moments in the life of Christ that the Church could have chosen for the Gospel passage for this coming Sunday’s festival, the Solemnity of Christ the King. The glory of the … more
Cynicism, skepticism and even pessimism are negative mindsets that are a very easy refuge for modern day Catholics whose basic beliefs are often mocked by worldly powers and whose fundamental faith … more
Most likely, you are reading this shortly before, or shortly after the U.S. presidential election. America’s next leader will have the means at hand to do tremendous good or tremendous harm. The … more
Let us build a house where love can dwell and all can safely live, a place where saints and children tell how hearts learn to forgive. Built of hopes and dreams and visions, rock of faith and vault of grace; here the love of Christ shall end divisions. All are welcome, all are welcome,all are welcome in this place. more
The geographical distance between the richest country in the Western Hemisphere and the poorest is only about 700 miles. But the economic distance between the United States and Haiti is … more
Jesus was truly a man of the people. The Master intermingled not only with the poor, handicapped and humble, but was regularly in the company of the Scribes, the Pharisees, the Sadducees and even the … more
October 31 will mark the 499th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation. Pope Francis will be travelling to Sweden, once a Lutheran stronghold, to begin a year of inter-religious observances of … more
The Scripture readings at Mass this past weekend reminded us of the power of prayer. It’s an important lesson, for after all, without prayer the Christian life is an empty shell; it has no … more
The Perrys were a large family, ten children, who lived just across Route 95 from the former Sacred Heart Church in the Pleasant View section of Pawtucket. The children were very familiar to the … more
Although the Catholic Church and its preachers and educators have made tremendous progress over the past fifty years, the average Catholic is still not comfortable with the Bible, neither … more
Throw your political affiliation out the window! But you’re a loyal Democrat. Or perhaps instead, you’re a loyal Republican. Never mind that. Your political affiliation is not that … more
The animosity among the various peoples of Asia Minor is not only legendary, hostilities continue to this day. The Parthians, Medes, and Elimites, the Canaanites, Samaritans, and Jews of yesteryear … more
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