Diocesan News
1505 results total, viewing 1441 - 1460
“Ask the Deacon” features three Transitional Deacons who will be ordained June 3 to the priesthood in the Diocese of Providence — Deacons Brian Morris, Joseph Brice and Stephen Battey — who … more
The first Sunday of Lent last week highlighted the man Jesus Christ sorely tempted by Satan but mightily triumphant by heeding God’s Biblical word. The second Sunday of Lent now draws the … more
Since the beginning of the year, we’ve had the funerals of several of our retired priests – five to be exact. Really good men, fine priests, who served the Lord Jesus and the Church for many … more
Years ago I was coming out of the nearby Park and Shop market in Blackstone just ahead of a friend of my mother who was not only shopping for groceries but tending her grandchildren as well. The … more
Okay, let me say it and get it over with. Congratulations to the New England Patriots for winning their fifth Super Bowl! The Pats had a great season, culminated by their historic comeback and a … more
Certainly among the most quoted words of Jesus Christ are the few phrases found in this coming Sunday’s Gospel. How often are offended parties told to “turn the other cheek!” Countless times … more
One of the joys of Catholic school education in the 1940s and 50s was observing the Nine First Fridays devotion in honor of the Sacred Heart. If begun in October and concluded in June, children could … more
Let us keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, the leader and perfecter of our faith. (Heb 12:2) This verse from the Letter to the Hebrews has become one of my favorites, for it summarizes so concisely … more
The sage, sane and sober ponderings in these pages sometime ago from Father Joseph Creedon were at the time a refreshing change from many media comments on Pope Francis’ apostolic exhortation, … more
Christ’s celebrated Sermon on the Mount as found in the Gospel account of St. Matthew is narrated clearly with an eye toward Moses’ acceptance of the Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai centuries … more
In recognition of Bishop Tobin’s call for a Year with Mary Our Mother on this the centennial of the Marian apparition at Fatima, I posted on my blog that those involved in ecological protection … more
For the past fifty years January 1 has been celebrated as a World Day of Peace. There is hardly a country in the entire world that has not been involved in wars, police actions, uprisings or violent … more
If you follow news about the Catholic Church at all, you’re already aware of an historic debate taking place in the Church right now concerning Amoris Laetitia, “The Joy of Love,” the letter … more
The City of Woonsocket, largely through the influence of the local Pentecostal churches, has had a Day of Public Prayer each autumn for the past few years. The day of prayer, held at a public park, … more
The years had not been going well for Czar Nicholas II of Russia. In 1905, in the wake of the disastrous Russian-Japanese war, the Russian people forced their czar to forego his status as an absolute … more
First, a very happy and blessed New Year to all! May 2017 be filled with health and happiness, grace and peace, for you and your loved ones. And with the beginning of the New Year comes our … more
Just up the street from Sacred Heart rectory in the Pleasant View section of Pawtucket there was a decent-sized Syrian community, some of whom came from the old country and most of whom were born in … more
Rev. Msgr. John F. Cox was professor of metaphysics at Our Lady of Providence Seminary at Warwick Neck for many years. He was famously absent-minded. Once he went to a ball game at Fenway Park. When … more
My mom loved Christmas. Each year it quickened her step and lifted her spirits, creating a lot of activity in the little house in which we lived. For example, after my dad died, the task of … more
The archbishop of Dublin, Ireland, responsible for the next Year of the Family in 2018, raised a few eyebrows and a few columnists’ pens when he stated, “Let me say something about which I feel … more
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