Diocesan News
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Last weekend was our “Tabor Moment.” Jesus took three of his disciples and went up a high mountain; there, he was transfigured before them. His clothes became dazzling white. Moses and Elijah … more
The readings for daily Mass this week have been taken from the Book of Tobit, one of the most colorful and interesting books of the Bible. (And by the way, that’s Tobit, not Tobin!) According to … more
Few fictional characters are more woeful than the rural French pastor in Georges Bernanos’ “The Diary of a Country Priest.” Distant from his flock, scorned by the local nobility, bullied by … more
“Ask the Newly Ordained” features Fathers Brian Morris, Joseph Brice and Stephen Battey — who respond to questions about the faith from Rhode Island Catholic readers. This past Saturday at … more
For most of western cultures, June is the month of graduations at every level, from kindergarten to advanced university students. It is always a time to celebrate. For some the accomplishment is easy … more
At the entrance road to Mount St. Rita Health Center, the former novitiate of the Sisters of Mercy in Cumberland, is a striking statue of an impressively winged angel facing three small kneeling … more
Jesus said to his first disciples, and to all future disciples, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give it to you.” But political leaders, … more
As you come to the end of your pilgrimage as a seminarian, do you have any wisdom, or advice to impart to anyone trying to figure out their way in life? One of the most precious gifts I have … more
Brothers and sisters, we’re living in an age of lists. Just surf the internet and you’ll find a list about almost any conceivable topic – some serious, some silly, and some downright … more
The Gospel accounts of Ss. Matthew, Mark and Luke as well as the passage from the Acts of the Apostles to be read at this coming Sunday’s Mass list the twelve apostles with amazing similarity. St. … more
A young lady recently considered taking the Boy Scouts to court so she could apply for an Eagle Scout award like the one her brother had recently achieved. The girl argued that since the Girl Scouts … more
Catholic Churches, especially in the former predominantly Catholic areas in the Northeast, are closing or merging and have been doing so for the past decade. Some dioceses and some pastors are doing … more
As I write this, we’re in the middle of Confirmation season, and while the schedule is demanding, it’s also interesting and enjoyable to travel around the Diocese to visit our parishes to confer … more
Ten apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary in modern times have been officially approved by the Catholic Church. Several appearances are quite famous: Guadalupe, Lourdes, and Fatima. A number are … more
“A very solid scientific consensus indicates that we are presently witnessing a disturbing warming of the climatic system,” warns Pope Francis in his landmark environmental encyclical Laudato Si … more
Many of us had music lessons in childhood. Hours dedicated to scales, rote exercises and simple songs which laid the foundation, introducing us to the challenging world of the arts. We progressed … more
This is a very common question among the young these days. They want to know if their salvation is at stake if they get married when they feel attracted to a religious vocation. First and foremost, … more
Years ago someone asked my father what his favorite verses from the Bible were. He quickly responded, “The Twenty-third Psalm.” I was stunned that my father came up with an answer at all and even … more
Why is it important for Catholics to remain active in climate advocacy? Catholics involved in issues of climate change know that some of our brothers and sisters are worried about the engagement … more
“Ask the Deacon” features three Transitional Deacons who will be ordained June 3 to the priesthood in the Diocese of Providence — Deacons Brian Morris, Joseph Brice and Stephen Battey — who … more
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