Diocesan News
1505 results total, viewing 1421 - 1440
As members of the Catholic Church in Rhode Island know, I have dedicated this year as a time of special devotion to our Blessed Mother, the Virgin Mary. “A Year with Mary our Mother,” I’ve … more
Columnist Joseph Pronechen writing for the National Catholic Register has compiled some interesting data on the three Fatima children whose meetings with the virgin Mary will be commemorated by a … more
Although it is Easter season, for much of the world it still feels like Good Friday. Countless people throughout the world continue to carry painfully heavy crosses — crosses overwhelming due to … more
“Ask the Deacon” features three Transitional Deacons who will be ordained June 3 to the priesthood in the Diocese of Providence — Deacons Brian Morris, Joseph Brice and Stephen Battey — who … more
Pope St. John Paul II instructed that the Second Sunday of Easter be observed each year as Mercy Sunday, completing a novena of mercy that begins on Good Friday and then continues through the octave … more
“Why do you seek the Living One among the dead? He is not here, but he has been raised.” (Lk 24: 5-6) So, a dear lady who was very upset at something I had posted on my Facebook page responded … more
Early in his celebrated Spiritual Exercises St. Ignatius Loyola stresses the profound necessity of Christian believers making a choice. The founder of the Society of Jesus envisioned a clear choice … more
Fifty years ago, Blessed Pope Paul VI gave to the world a truly prophetic encyclical letter Populorum Progressio (“The Development of Peoples”), and just days later Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. … more
“Ask the Deacon” features three Transitional Deacons who will be ordained June 3 to the priesthood in the Diocese of Providence — Deacons Brian Morris, Joseph Brice and Stephen Battey — who … more
Resurrection is a hard sell. One would think it would be easier than suffering and crucifixion, but ironically it isn’t. No one alive today is unaware of the ordeal of suffering and pain: in … more
St. James Church in Manville is a stately Romanesque building that happily has not lost any of the dignity and solemnity intended by its original builders. The bright stained glass windows … more
Recently I was given a unique opportunity to taste some of the bitter hardships endured by fellow human beings fleeing drug gang violence, oppressive poverty and economic injustice south of the U.S. … more
“Ask the Deacon” features three Transitional Deacons who will be ordained June 3 to the priesthood in the Diocese of Providence — Deacons Brian Morris, Joseph Brice and Stephen Battey — who … more
Why, then, do you fear to take up the cross when through it you can win a kingdom? In the cross is salvation, in the cross is life . . . There is no salvation of soul nor hope of everlasting life … more
The shortest verse in Scripture is found in this coming Sunday’s Gospel passage about the resurrection of Lazarus. When Jesus arrived nearby the gravesite, the people of Bethany bid Jesus to come … more
Quite recently, a family lost a beloved son, a robust college student who suffered a tragic accident. There are no words to describe the anguish, and every time the story is shared, more hearts … more
Patrick of Ireland is revisited every year by Irish Americans in a quasi-nationalistic-religious way in the days leading up to March 17. The songs of the many revolutions and dreams of the Irish are … more
“Ask the Deacon” features three Transitional Deacons who will be ordained June 3 to the priesthood in the Diocese of Providence — Deacons Brian Morris, Joseph Brice and Stephen Battey — who … more
During the months one hundred years ago that Our Lady of the Rosary was appearing to the three Fatima children, the young Lucy asked the Virgin Mary on July 13, 1917 “to work a miracle so that … more
Every reader of the RI Catholic knows someone who went to a Catholic grammar school, a Catholic high school and even a Catholic college and yet never darkens a church door. This person could ably … more
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