Venerable Fulton J. Sheen still teaches us life is worth living


“Life is Worth Living” is believed to have been the most widely viewed religious series in the history of television. This was largely due to the erudite host, Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen, who weekly brought his viewers insights into topics of faith and morals.

The charismatic archbishop became one of television’s earliest and most unlikely superstars, winning an Emmy award for “Most Outstanding Television Personality” in 1952. During his acceptance speech he happily borrowed comedian Milton Berle’s line, crediting his four writers - Matthew, Mark, Luke and John - for his success. It is fitting that Pope Benedict XVI in late June during an audience with Cardinal Angelo Amato SDB of the Congregations for the Causes of Saints declared as “Venerable” the greatest TV evangelist the church has ever known, Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen.

A priest of the Diocese of Peoria, Illinois, Archbishop Sheen would become the “Preacher to the World” as Blessed Pope John Paul II called him. Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen spent many years working in radio, television, and for the missions and was to serve also as the Bishop of Rochester, New York. He headed the Society for the Propagation of the Faith from 1950 to 1966 and spread the Gospel all throughout Africa, South America and Asia. Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen touched the lives of millions worldwide with his warmth, wisdom and humor. A master communicator, he had the great gift of preaching and teaching the Gospel in a way easy to understand by all people. Archbishop Sheen died on Dec. 9, 1979.

Pope Benedict XVI’s recognition of the heroic virtues of the much-loved bishop, author and television evangelist and declaration that he is now considered “Venerable” is a step further toward sainthood. Archbishop Sheen had the ability to relate complicated topics with great insight and wit that appealed to everyone, from the theological scholar to the uneducated and the non-Catholic. His words are still powerful and inspiring today, continuing to change the lives of thousands all over the world.

In an age of mass communication and social networks the figure of Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen looms large as the church continues even today to bring the Gospel message to world as effectively and creatively as did this venerable churchman. Catholics and non-Catholics even today continue to seek his guidance and teaching in the many books he authored and with the many videos of his broadcasts still available to watch. However, far beyond his spiritual guidance found in books and videos, we must continue to seek the spiritual intercession of the Venerable Fulton J. Sheen, as continues to instruct us by his life and teachings that life is truly worth living.