Divorce: Destruction of the American Family


To the Editor:

Over the course of several weeks, we have come across shocking information that indicates the devastating power of divorce. Divorce, without a doubt, is a growing problem for the United States. Although recent statistics show that nine out of ten Americans will marry, nearly half of those marriages will fail. That is correct. An astouding 45.8 percent of all American marriages will end in divorce. This contrasts sharply with the divorce rate in 1950 – about 11 percent. Worst of all, 70 percent of these divorced families have children.

Divorce is a traumatic experience both for the participants and their children. While some may dismiss the rising divorce rate as an unimportant issue, they fail to realize how negatively divorce impacts the fundamental unit of society – the family.

Children are perhaps the most deeply affected by divorce, and it is often not for the better. They exhibit more health, behavioral, and emotional problems, are involved more frequently in crime and drug abuse, and have higher rates of suicide. Furthermore, the children of divorced parents are more likely to get divorced themselves.

It is important to note that parents do not come out of divorce unscathed.They must endure the economic pitfalls that divorce brings. As a result, nearly half of divorced parents move into poverty following the end of a marriage.

The family is the central social institution that must be supported and strenghtened, not undermined. Divorce, even if it is amicable, tears apart this building block of community. So far, only the Catholic Church has attempted to address this issue and illustrate why divorce should only be allowed in a select few cases. However, it is not enough. State governments as well as the federal government need to address the situation and institute certain programs that will safeguard marriage and protect the American family. It is our own personal hope that this letter will resonate within the hearts and minds of readers, in the hope that they will carefully consider all their options before filing for an unnecessary divorce. Thank you and God bless.

Justin Corriveault

Patrick Hegarty

Matthew Silva

The three writers were recently graduated from Mt. St. Charles.