Bishop’s immigration stance ‘courageous’


To the Editor:

I am very impressed with the courage expressed by Bishop Tobin after he stood up against the round-ups of undocumented immigrants. This kind of action conducted recently by our government surely reminds me of the Nazi tactics in my native Poland during WW II. At this time, anybody, Jew or Pole, caught with no proper ID confirming legal employment could be sent to the concentration camp. That's exactly what's happened to my aunt in November of 1943.

Those who suggest that bishops should stay out of politics are completely wrong. I lived most of my life under the Communist regime. In my country, Catholic, Protestant and Orthodox bishops condemned the dictatorial methods of the government many times. In response, the state controlled media shouted: “Bishops stay away from politics !”. Many priests risked their lives in defense of human rights, among them Fr. Popieluszko who was murdered by security police in 1984.

The Church has the moral duty and right to stand up in defense of human dignity and civil freedoms. Thank you, Bishop Tobin for defending basic human rights.

Kazimierz Wierzbicki

Providence, RI