
When will school districts have the courage to say enough is enough?


Schools are back in session. Do parents know who shares a locker room with their daughters? She may not be who they think. Over the summer, while many enjoyed some time of leisure or relaxation, school districts were assembling plans to implement the Obama administration’s mandate stating school children must be allowed to use the facilities of the gender to which they sexually identify. The directive does not distinguish among ages or for obvious reason require proof of sexual identification.

Furthermore, the guidelines are vague, at best, as to how a school district will notify the parents of students who state their transgendered preferences. Some school districts in Rhode Island have chosen not to bring the parents into the discussion. Pre-teen students may request the school accommodate them in their new identity and school administrators and teachers may not include their parents in the conversation. Nor will they tell other parents that a young man may be sharing a locker room with their daughter.

Are there any rational moms or dads that find this a healthy policy? Are there any discussions acknowledging the rights of the overwhelming majority of students and parents that may disagree? Are there any school districts with the courage to say enough is enough?

These policies are not law but a coercion under the threat of potential loss of federal funding. How many more years will our families be under attack by a destructive government? The answer is simple: As long as they continue to be re-elected and rational voices remain silent.