Bishop Thomas J. Tobin - Without a Doubt
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You probably know that just before Christmas Pope Francis had a rather serious talk with members of the Roman Curia, the Vatican bureaucracy, in which he challenged some of their attitudes and behaviors. The Pope listed 15 “diseases,” temptations to sin, which sometimes afflict members of the Curia. He encouraged the cardinals, bishops and priests to undertake an end-of-the-year examination of conscience so that their service to Christ and the Church would be purified. more
If you’re a sports fan above a certain age, or a sports fan at all, you’re probably familiar with the iconic question that ABC broadcaster Al Michaels asked during an epic hockey game at the Winter Olympics of 1980. It occurred when Team USA, made up entirely of young amateurs, defeated the heavily favored Soviet Union team stacked with hardened, experienced professionals. As the final seconds of the game ran out and it became clear that the Americans were about to grasp a totally improbable victory, Al Michaels captured the excitement of the moment and the pride of a nation when he asked, “Do you believe in miracles?” more
Along with the Catholic Church around the world, the Diocese of Providence has now begun its observance of the “Year of Consecrated Life.” At the invitation of Pope Francis, during the fourteen months to follow, the Church is called upon to promote the vocation of the consecrated life, to celebrate the many contributions of religious women and men, and to thank all those who have served so faithfully as religious priests, brothers and sisters. more
It’s a beautiful and evocative time in the liturgical year of the Church, isn’t it? more
“We have often noted that we do not become a Christian on our own, but by being born and nurtured in the faith in the midst of the People of God, that is the Church. She is a true mother who gives us life in Christ.” (Pope Francis) more
In the Church today there are a number of issues, often liturgical in nature, that are commonly used to define conservatives and liberals. more
The Gospel of life must be proclaimed, and human life defended in all places and all times. The arena for moral responsibility includes not only the halls of government, but the voting booth as well. (American Bishops, “Living the Gospel of Life”) more
I’ve got a problem. My dog is gone and I miss her. As some of you know, I lost my little dog Molly about three months ago, on June 19 to be exact. She died at the age of sixteen from old age and recurring respiratory problems. Molly had been with me since she was just eight weeks old. She was a wonderful part of my life all those years, and now I miss her. more
In October a number of bishops from around the world will meet with Pope Francis in Rome to discuss the “Pastoral Challenges to the Family in the Context of Evangelization.” A similar meeting in October of 2015 will follow-up on the same topic. more
In many places of the world it’s not good being a Christian these days. Or, I should say, it’s not easy being a Christian these days. It’s open season on Christians in many countries of the world; Christians are suffering and dying for their faith in unprecedented numbers, at least in the modern era. Consider the following. more
This weekend will see the celebration of a joyful event in the Diocese of Providence, the ordination of two of our brothers, Scott Carpentier and Thomas Woodhouse, to the Priesthood of Jesus Christ. more
Since becoming a bishop about 20 years ago, I’ve had plenty of opportunities to visit our Catholic schools, on both the elementary and secondary level. The visits are always enjoyable and rewarding; I always come away impressed by our teachers, students and staff and very proud of the great work that’s being done in our Catholic schools every day. more
In Catholic tradition, May is the month when we offer special devotion to our Blessed Mother, the Virgin Mary. As Christians we honor Mary as the Mother of God and the Mother of the Church. more
So we learned early last week that Annette Funicello had passed away. If you’re above a certain age, perhaps 50, you recognize the name Annette Funicello instantly, and with great fondness. more
So, what’s your favorite day of the year? Christmas or Easter perhaps? How about St. Patrick’s Day or Mother’s Day? Okay, admit it . . . it’s April 15th, Tax Day. And it’s right around the corner so get ready to party! more
**Wow . . . for those of us deeply involved in the life and ministry of the Church, the last few weeks have been truly memorable, unprecedented really. more
In the process of retiring one pope and electing another, I’ve had a bunch of media interviews. Members of the secular media, as well as the general public, have been keenly interested in the drama and the circumstances of Benedict’s surprise resignation. more
It came as a thunderbolt at dawn, unexpected, dramatic, sending shock waves far and wide. No, not the meteorite that landed in Russia last week, but, rather, the news that at the end of the month our Holy Father Pope Benedict would resign his office as the Bishop of Rome and retire from the active ministry. more
To the deacon candidates about to be ordained for the service of Christ and His Church, we extend our very sincere congratulations, prayers and blessings on this day which is so important for you, for your families and friends, indeed for the entire Church. more
This year on January 22nd we observed a truly sad milestone – the 40th anniversary of the day on which the U.S. Supreme Court issued its infamous decision, Roe v. Wade, that opened the floodgates of abortion in our nation. Since then it’s estimated that 55 million abortions have been performed. more
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