Bishop Thomas J. Tobin
78 results total, viewing 1 - 20
None of us lives as his own master and none of us dies as his own master. While we live we are responsible to the Lord, and when we die, we die as his servants. Both in life and death we are the … more
One of the beautiful things about spring is the new and abundant life that appears. All around us, nature is giving evidence of that new life in the lengthening days, the blooming of plants and … more
An authentic celebration of Easter, the Resurrection of Christ, is such a world-changing, life-changing event that it should inspire in us a tidal wave of emotion, and the growth of important … more
There’s a reason it’s called “Holy Week” and that’s because in these days we will enter into the deepest mysteries of the Christian Faith. In this week we will observe … more
You’re nobody ‘til somebody loves you, You’re nobody ‘til somebody cares. You may be king, you may possess the world and its gold, but gold won’t bring you happiness … more
There are several incidents in the Gospels in which Jesus cured the blind and allowed them to see. These miracles are among the most dramatic miracles that Jesus performed, for they completely … more
You’ve probably seen the TV commercials for the Progressive Insurance Company in which a counsellor, a “Parenta-life Coach” identified as Dr. Rick, tries to stop young adults from … more
I recently came across a random online posting that lists “5 things nobody has in their home anymore.” The list includes DVDs, CDs, a file cabinet, a wall calendar and take out menus. … more
Whenever we say the Confiteor at Holy Mass we confess that we have sinned “in my thoughts and in my words, in what I have done and in what I have failed to do, through my fault, through my … more
Perhaps you saw the national news story about a group of Catholic school students who were “kicked-out” of the Smithsonian Museum for wearing hats that said “Rosary Pro-Life.” … more
If there’s one thing the coronavirus pandemic has reminded us is that as members of the human family, we are all connected. The virus started apparently with one person in faraway China who … more
A few years back, I was travelling to a bishops meeting, dressed in clerical attire, seated next to a very nice young lady who engaged me in conversation. (Usually I avoid talking to people on … more
I have great love for St. Joseph, because he is a man of silence and strength. On my table I have an image of St. Joseph sleeping. Even when he is asleep, he is taking care of the Church. Yes! We … more
It was the headline I never expected to see: “Beware of Falling Iguanas.” And yet that was the local, even national, news story that appeared while I was on a brief vacation in Florida at … more
There’s a parable about a man and his young son who set out from their tiny village to go into town to buy provisions. When they started their journey, accompanied by their little donkey, the … more
Recently I came across a survey sponsored by psychologists from Cornell University that reported on the biggest regrets that people have in life. The survey said, “It’s not the things you … more
After a ceremony in one of our parishes, I went to the social hall to meet people, moving table to table to do so. Some of the folks very respectfully stood up to greet me, a gesture sincerely … more
May the God of peace make you perfectly holy, and may you entirely, spirit, soul and body, be reserved blameless for the coming of our Lord  Jesus Christ. The one who calls you is faithful, and … more
February 2nd marks a beautiful Feast Day in the Catholic Church, the Presentation of the Lord. When Mary and Joseph, in fulfillment of the law, presented Jesus in the Temple, it was a very special … more
It seems that lots of people avoid having their picture taken, in either formal or informal settings. They’ll do almost anything to avoid posing, even with family and friends – feign … more
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