Knights to Sponsor Youth Basketball Free Throw Championship
PORTSMOUTH — All boys and girls ages 9 to 14 are invited to participate in the local level of competition for the Knights of Columbus Free Throw Championship. The local competition will be held on Saturday, Jan. 18, starting at 9 a.m., in the Bradley School gym, behind St. Anthony Church, 2836 East Main Road. Medals will be awarded to one boy and one girl of each age group who make the most free throws which also qualifies them for state competition. The Knights of Columbus Free Throw Championship is sponsored annually, with winners progressing through local and state competitions. International champions are announced by the K of C international headquarters based on scores from the state-level competitions. All contestants on the local level are recognized for their participation in the event. Participants are required to furnish proof of age for the competition and written parental consent. Entry forms can be completed at the time of the event.
West Bay Chorale to hold spring 2025 Open Rehearsals
WARWICK — West Bay Chorale will hold their spring 2025 Open Rehearsals and registration Monday, Jan. 20 at 7 p.m., with registration starting at 6:30 p.m. at St. Kevin Church, 333 Sandy Lane. Current singers, as well as those interested in joining the chorale are invited to register and learn the details of the upcoming concert season. In particular, the chorale is seeking experienced tenor and baritone voices in addition to sopranos and altos. All current singers and those interested in joining must be vaccinated and boosted must show proof of vaccination. Those interested in learning more or joining the chorale should contact Eric W. Van Dervort 401-751-1525,, or visit
Our Lady of Altagracia Mass
PROVIDENCE — The entire community is invited to attend the Solemn Mass in Honor of the Virgin of Altagracia in the Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul on Tuesday, Jan. 21 at 7 p.m. The Mass will be presided over by Most Rev. James T. Ruggieri, Bishop of the Diocese of Portland, accompanied by priests and deacons who serve in parishes with Hispanic communities in the Diocese of Providence. Confessions and Rosary Prayer begin at 6 p.m. For more information please contact Celso Vera, Coordinator, Office of Hispanic Ministry, 401-421-7833, x233 or
Chesterton Academy Open House
WARWICK — Chesterton Academy will hold an Open House on Saturday, Jan. 25 from 9-11:30 a.m. Come learn more about how a Chesterton education could change your son’s or daughter’s life. The event will include morning prayer, a school tour, a presentation on Chesterton and classical education, and the chance to meet current and prospective families. Chesterton Academy of Our Lady of Hope is part of a network of more than 60 Chesterton Academies nationwide. This is the first Chesterton Academy in New England, and the only Classical Catholic high school in Rhode Island. Register at:, or contact the school at 401-287-2280,
Mass for Life
CRANSTON — The diocesan Office of Life and Family Ministry is sponsoring a Holy Mass for Life, in thanksgiving for the gift of life, on Sunday, Jan. 26 at 5 p.m. at Immaculate Conception Parish, 237 Garden Hills Dr. Rev. Msgr. Albert A. Kenney, S.T.L., diocesan administrator, will be the main celebrant and Rev. Edward J. Wilson, Jr., pastor of Immaculate Conception, will be the homilist. For more information, please contact Lisa Cooley, Coordinator, Office of Life and Family Ministry, 401-278-2518 or More information at
Sacred Heart School plans Open House
EAST PROVIDENCE — Sacred Heart School, 56 Purchase St., is hosting an Open House on Sunday, Jan. 26, from 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. Take a tour to see all the wonderful things that happen at Sacred Heart School. Visitors can meet the principal and teachers and visit PreK - 8th Grade classrooms. SHS offers before and after-school care (6:45 a.m.-6p.m.). If you can’t attend the open house, please call the school at 401-434-1080 to schedule an individual tour. For more information, email
The Visitation of the Missionary Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe
STATEWIDE — The Missionary Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe will be visiting the Diocese of Providence in various parishes throughout Rhode Island now through Friday, January 31. The image is an exact replica of the original image of Our Lady which She left on the Tilma of St. Juan Diego in December 1531. The image is among four blessed at the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico by the Rector of the Basilica, Msgr. Monroy, to bring conversions, reverence for life, sanctity of the family and solidarity of the Church in America. The Missionary Images are known to have been associated with many miracles and healings. The schedule and locations are available at the beginning of January by contacting the diocesan Office of Life and Family Ministry at 401-278-2518,, and by visiting the diocesan website at
Newlywed Night at the Cathedral
PROVIDENCE — Are you in your first, second, or third year of marriage? Join us on Tuesday, Feb. 11 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. for a special event designed just for newlyweds in the diocese! This is a wonderful opportunity to connect with other couples, grow together in faith, and celebrate your journey as husband and wife. Come and experience Christ’s presence in your marriage and strengthen your bond as you walk this path together. This special evening will be held in the cathedral hall of Saints Peter and Paul. To register, or for more information, please visit
Adoration, Rosary, Evening Prayer, and Benediction
CRANSTON — All are welcome to join us Monday evenings from 6 to 7:15 p.m. for Adoration, Rosary, Evening Prayer and Benediction held at St. Paul Parish, One Saint Paul Place, Cranston, RI. Please use the handicap ramp entrance to the church. Contact and/or 401-497-3926 for more information.
Little Flower Home seeks volunteers
PROVIDENCE — Do you have the compassion and the space to host a homeless pregnant woman in your home? If Jesus calls you to extend this welcome, you can learn more about becoming a volunteer host, either in your own home or at one of ours, by calling Lee at 401-524-6004.