Bringing the Spirit of Christmas to the Community

Msgr. Gadoury Catholic Regional School has priceless partnership with Navigant Credit Union


WOONSOCKET — For more than 100 years, Navigant Credit Union has always held dear their community-driven values — and for Msgr. Gadoury Catholic Regional School those values are not only priceless, they are also at the center of one branch’s relationship with the Catholic school located across the street.
The Park Square Branch in Woonsocket has been their Adopt-A-School partner and for many years, the staff of the credit union has had a unique bond with the students. This Christmas season, students from pre-K to grade 2 walked hand-in-hand to the branch to decorate the Navigant Christmas tree and to sing carols for staff and those doing their banking. Trees were decorated with the children’s “birthday gifts for Jesus.” Those gifts came in the form “praying before each meal,” “visiting Mémère,” and selfless acts in honor of Jesus’ birth.
“How can you not love this,” exclaimed branch manager Amanda LaRose. “Navigant is all about giving back to our community, no matter what community we are in. To be able to have a partnership with this school is incredible. I was watching our members while the kids were singing and they were all smiling and clapping. It was a great treat for them and the staff always looks forward to them coming by.”
Principal Patricia Brouillard said that the students love going to see their friends at the branch, adding that their visits are not limited to Christmas, but other events throughout the year. The children made pumpkin cookies for Halloween, special cards at Thanksgiving, and once a year Navigant holds a Money Fair for the school to teach students the value of money, how to make change and saving skills.
“We complement each other,” said Patty. This is a way the kids can give back to community and learn more about what they can do for others. It’s been really wonderful.”