There Is Somebody Who Loves You

Bishop Thomas J. Tobin

You’re nobody ‘til somebody loves you, You’re nobody ‘til somebody cares. You may be king, you may possess the world and its gold, but gold won’t bring you
happiness when you’re growing old. You’re nobody ‘til somebody loves you.

Recently, in the mornings, I’ve taken to listening to music instead of watching the news on TV. I’ve found that some soft and gentle music is a much more peaceful way to start the day than hearing the accounts of murder and mayhem, corruption and crime.
My choice of music at this time of the day is classical, or even “easy listening” as it’s called, aka “elevator music.” It’s saccharine, but soothing. One of the songs that appears on this playlist is the tune, “You’re Nobody ‘Til Somebody Loves You.” The song was released in the 1940s and has been recorded by many artists over the years, including Dean Martin, Frank Sinatra and Michael Bublé.
The tune captures a basic human desire: everyone wants to be loved. But the path of human love isn’t always easy, is it? Marriages once begun in love end in an angry divorce. Family members stop speaking to one another after some personal offense, real or imagined. A girl dumps her longtime and dependable boyfriend when a new, younger model comes along.
There are very few people lucky enough to be loved by everyone. Almost everyone has some enemies or some “exes.” Those of us in positions of public leadership can attest to that. Nonetheless, the truth remains: everyone wants to be loved because “you’re nobody . . .”
Fortunately, our faith teaches us that every one of us is loved. God loves us. He created us, cares for us, wants us to be happy, and really longs for us to be with him forever. Want proof of that love? Just look at the cross. Jesus suffered and died on the cross as the ultimate sign of God’s love. What more could he do than to hand over his Son to this shameful death for the sake of us who really don’t deserve to be loved?
Thomas á Kempis put it this way: “Ah, Lord God, my holy Lover, when you come into my heart, all that is within me will rejoice. You are my glory and the exultation of my heart.” (The Imitation of Christ)
So, it’s true: You’re nobody ‘til somebody loves you. But remember, God loves you very much, and that means you really are someone special.
Something to think about: Never doubt God’s love for you, even in the most difficult of moments.