The Essentials Remain the Same


In these past weeks we have experienced radical changes to our lives. Yet, during so much change, the most important truth for our lives remains unchanged. The Greatest Story ever told is as true today as it was before this crisis. Namely, that Jesus Christ, God made man, has come to save us. The Church reminds us of this important truth: Christ suffered and died to save us from sin and death. 

The reason Christ suffered and died rests on another unchangeable truth. Namely, the frailty of our human condition. The words of Ash Wednesday, “Remember that you are dust and to dust you shall return,” ring in our ears. No one lives forever. With sin, death entered the world, and we cannot conquer death and sin on our own. 

On the Cross, Jesus teaches us how to die well. He teaches us how to conquer death. For us, the Cross is a sign of hope. On the Cross, every form and machination of sin and death were conquered. Our Lord invites us to take up our own cross as the means to defeat sin and death. 

Many things have changed in our lives recently, but Christ remains unchanged. As always, God is worshipped, intercession is made for suffering humanity and the Mass is said. Yes, we are separated, but it is merely a physical separation. The only thing which truly separates us from God and from one another is sin.