The Daily Eucharistic Miracle


Recently, reports surfaced from the Archdiocese of Hartford that a Connecticut pastor uncovered a “Eucharistic miracle” during his parish Mass. Fearing that there weren’t enough Sacred Hosts to distribute to the faithful, an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion noticed that many of the Sacred Hosts “multiplied.” Just like the biblical account of the multiplication of the loaves and fish, Jesus provided for his flock.
While such an event may indeed prove miraculous, the Holy See has yet to confirm its authenticity. Nevertheless, these moments bid us recall the miracle that happens daily on the altar of sacrifice — ordinary bread and wine undergoes transubstantiation, literally becoming the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ. While Eucharistic miracles through the centuries help our unbelief, with eyes of faith, every Catholic witnesses Heaven descending to earth during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.