Second grader’s Baptism a day she will always remember


WARWICK — St. Peter School second grader Ada Lynn Ulmen received the Sacrament of Baptism from Father Roger C. Gagné, pastor, in a beautiful afternoon ceremony on January 25. Her classmates were all present in their Sunday best to support their friend in her special moment. The young girl, smiling sweetly, told Rhode Island Catholic how happy she was to have her friends with her on her Baptism day.
“I’m excited,” said Ulmen. “It feels like a special day.”
Her mother and father also shared how significant it was to have Ada baptized in the Catholic Church and shared their gratitude for the tight-knit school community.
“It is really important for her to get baptized,” said Amanda Ulmen. “And these are special circumstances that her entire class gets to witness this baptism. She will always remember that her friends were here. It took a lot of work for the staff and Father Gagné to make this happen. They all came together as a community.”
Her teacher Anne Robinson also warmly accepted the role as Ada’s Godparent.
“When they asked me, I was floored and I said, ‘absolutely, no question.’ It’s an honor that they would consider me. I was blown away.”