Schools around the diocese continue to give generously to help victims of recent hurricanes


On Thursday, Sept. 21, at the suggestion of the newly elected Student Council, St. Luke’s School in Barrington raised $764 for the victims of the Florida and Texas hurricanes. The money raised was sent to Student to Student: A Catholic School Response for Hurricane Relief. In addition to a Dress Down Day the students also sold popsicles and popcorn.

The National Junior Honor Society at St. Philip School hosted a second dress down day on Friday, Sept. 22 and raised $1,088. Between two recent dress down days, students raised $2,330.

“Students, families and staff were once again very generous as we strive to live as Jesus did in service to others. This time we are donating the funds raised to Catholic Charities USA and Catholic Relief Services to help those in other countries also devastated by recent disasters,” said Prinicipal of St. Philip School, Cynthia Senenko.

Many schools around the Diocese of Providence have also showed great generosity and care for others including Sacred Heart School in East Providence which raised $337; while St. Thomas School in Providence raised $600 for the hurricane victims to be donated to the Red Cross; and Saint Margaret School raised $1,000 for the NCEA Student to Student Campaign.

To read more about the generosity of the Rhode Island Catholic schools, CLICK HERE.