Bishop Thomas J. Tobin recently visited St. Clare Church in the Misquamicut area of Westerly on Sunday, August 25, to install the parish’s new pastor, Father Peter J. D’Ambrosia. During his homily, Bishop Thomas J. Tobin shared that the installation of a new pastor is a very important moment for the priest himself and for the whole parish community. “I want to extend my personal congratulations to Father D’ambroisia. I am very, very grateful for his willingness to assume this new and important ministry. Father Peter is an outstanding priest, one of our best. He is in love with the Lord and has a spirit of joy and is eager to serve God’s people. We know that in his ministry, and he knows this as well, that he will not be alone. He will have your support, your prayers and your assistance, and of course he will also have the unfailing grace of the presence of almighty God.” Included in the assembly was a group from Father Peter’s previous parish, St. Rita Church in Warwick, with a large number arriving by bus to wish Father D’Ambrosia well in his new parish.