Naming prison chapel after Martha Paone is a fitting honor to cap her years of dedicated service



I appreciate Cole DeSantis’ May 4 piece on Mrs. Martha Paone. I first met Martha when I was a prison ministry volunteer from St. Francis Chapel nearly 20 years ago. Later, in 2013, I was one of several newly ordained deacons in the Class of 2013 that she taught the many procedures needed to enter the ACI, ranging from obtaining our IDs, to picking up the Eucharist in one building, to getting through the doors of another, to getting in and out the correct room at the appointed time! She did all of this with much patience and graciousness. I greatly appreciated her help as did many volunteers, both clerical and lay. Naming the chapel for her is a fitting honor for someone who cared so much for the inmates and their spiritual needs. Wishing Martha health, peace and blessings on her retirement from prison ministry.

Deacon Fred Sarno, Brockton, Mass.