PROVIDENCE — Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the Diocese of Providence has postponed its annual Lumen Gentium Service Awards Banquet until the spring. The banquet, which honors those who work selflessly in support of the Church, will now be held on Wednesday, May 19, 2021 — at the Twin River Event Center in Lincoln.
The event, which will honor 15 individuals and groups in nine categories, with an additional presentation of a Lifetime Achievement Award in the category of Catholic Education, had been rescheduled to October 2020 from an earlier date. Due to continued gathering restrictions the diocese is now looking ahead to May 2021.
“While we hoped to celebrate your exceptional service and achievement first in May, then in October, the ongoing concerns surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic prevent us from doing so,” said Msgr. Albert Kenney, Vicar General/Moderator of the Curia, Chair of the Lumen Committee, in a letter to honorees. “In light of the current directives from the Rhode Island Department of Health (RIDOH) and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), we made the difficult decision to postpone the annual Lumen Gentium Awards dinner to Wednesday, May 19, 2021.”
Since 2013, when the Lumen Gentium Awards were first presented, the Diocese of Providence has recognized 89 individuals and groups, representing 54 parishes across the state. The awards banquets have raised more than $450,000 in support of various ministries over the last seven years.
Two diocesan ministries have been chosen to benefit from the proceeds of this year’s awards banquet: “Keep the Heat On,” and Emmanuel House.
“Keep the Heat On,” the diocesan heating assistance program which helps households with nowhere else to turn for help staying warm in the winter, has raised $3.1 million since 2005 and provided a much-needed lifeline to more than 14,000 households, individuals and families over the last 14 years.
In the last decade, the 50-bed men’s shelter of Emmanuel House is often at or above capacity each night. In times of inclement weather, or adverse conditions, such as the pandemic, the shelter has remained open to provide a safe, warm place for guests to rest.
Administration & Stewardship:
Trustees of the Thomas Becket Foundation Brown University
Catholic Education:
Linda LaPlume
St. Joseph Church, West Warwick
The Late Sister Mary Bernice Pikul, C.S.S.F.
St. Adalbert Church, Providence
Lifetime Achievement Award in Catholic Education:
Lillian McIntyre
St. Philip Church, Greenville
Evangelization & Communications:
Serra Club Providence Chapter
Community Service & Charitable Outreach:
The Elmhurst Boys
St. Pius V Church, Providence
Distinguished Catholic Youth:
Julia Ferreira
St. Francis Xavier Church, East Providence
Parish Service:
John Boni
St. Joseph Church, Woonsocket
Jack Costa
Our Lady of Fatima Church, Cumberland
Mary Donnelly
St. Andrew Church, Block Island
Sally Gauch
St. Lucy Church, Middletown
Robert Orabone
St. Ann Church, Providence
Public Service:
The Honorable Donald Carcieri & The Late Susan Carcieri
Our Lady of Mercy Church, East Greenwich
Respect Life:
Margherite Garrahy
St. Thomas More Church, Narragansett
Friend of the Diocese:
Alan Shawn Feinstein
Rhode Island Catholic will feature biographies of and accept advertising in support of each of the winners in upcoming print editions as the event approaches.
To learn more about the Lumen Gentium Awards visit