Diocese delivers support to mothers in need

Learn how to stay involved, help families in Rhode Island


PROVIDENCE — The Diocese of Providence continues to offer help to mothers before, during and after their pregnancies. Along with your prayers, there are many ways that you can help Rhode Island moms who need support from a caring community. Learn about some of the diocesan programs that help families throughout the year:


∙ For mothers and their unborn babies, St. Gabriel’s Call provides mothers with diapers, toiletries, cribs, baby carriers and other items as they become available.
∙ For expectant mothers, the Elizabeth Ministry offers “woman to woman” support during all aspects of childbearing (pregnancy, celebration of birth, infant or child crisis, miscarriage, infant or child death, fertility and infertility, adoption, family support, prayer support and grandparent support) to women in special times of motherhood.
∙ For medically challenged pregnancy, My Child...My Gift - Pre-natal Diagnosis Ministry provides comprehensive and compassionate support to women experiencing a crisis pregnancy.


∙ Project Rachel, the U.S. Catholic Church’s ministry to those who have been involved in abortion, is a diocesan-based network of specially trained priests, religious, counselors, and laypersons who provide a team response of care for those suffering in the aftermath of abortion. In addition to referring for Sacramental Reconciliation, the ministry provides an integrated network of services, including pastoral counseling, support groups, retreats and referrals to licensed mental health professionals.
∙ Rachel’s Vineyard weekend retreats and individual counseling are also available.


For up to date information on how you can best stand up for life here in Rhode Island and learn more about local pro-life activities, local and national legislation, programs and liturgies, consider joining the Human Life Guild. The Human Life Guild, established in the diocese by Bishop Thomas J. Tobin, has an open membership with a steering committee and spiritual director appointed by Bishop Tobin. No dues or membership fees are collected.

For more information, to volunteer or to donate items to St. Gabriel’s Call, please contact Carol Owens, Life & Family Coordinator, at 401-278-2518, or email cowens@dioceseofprovidence.org or visit dioceseofprovidence.org/human-life-guild.