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Five weeks ago, we stood in the church and received ashes. We were reminded of our mortality, our sinfulness and our need for penance and prayer. Those ashes were the remnant of Palm Sunday branches … more
It wouldn’t be St. Joseph’s Day without Zeppole. Many Rhode islanders partake of this tasty treat once a year (even those who gave up sweets for Lent, since fasting is not obligatory on a … more
On March 19, the Church observes the Solemnity of Saint Joseph, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary. It’s one of the few times we get a foretaste of the liturgy’s more palpable delights … more
The anger or wrath of God is a concept — an idea — that confuses many people. And that’s understandable. After all, St. John explicitly tells us in his first letter that “God … more
  A discussion among practicing Catholics occurred in a social media group, inevitably landing on current divisions between Catholics — those who would describe themselves as … more
While reading the title of this editorial you might be thinking to yourself: “of course we kneel after the ‘Lamb of God.’” Curiously this is not a universal practice here in … more
Canterbury Cathedral in the United Kingdom has a long history. In 597 A.D, Pope St. Gregory the Great sent St. Augustine of Canterbury to evangelize the people. For centuries the cathedral has served … more
On Ash Wednesday, many Catholics received ashes on their foreheads while the minister proclaimed, “Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return,” taken from the Book of … more
It’s both meaningful and providential that Ash Wednesday falls on St. Valentine’s Day this year. That’s because if there’s one thing that most of the world is totally mixed-up … more
“What’s the most important factor in a successful marriage?” Over the years, I’ve posed that question to hundreds of couples attending marriage preparation classes. These … more
In 1506, construction began on a magnificent new basilica which would serve as the center for Catholics all around the world. Like the previous basilica, it would be built over the bones of our first … more
Pregnancy is normally a time of joyful expectation of welcoming a new life into the world. But news of a new potential disability or life-threatening condition can be devastating. Many years ago, … more
Do you have doubts, or do you simply have difficulties? People will sometimes say that they have doubts about certain teachings of the Catholic Faith. It might concern something strictly theological, … more
I have a unique relationship with Mary. Like any mother and son, we’ve gone through ups and downs together. As a child, praying the rosary was often punishment for breaking the rules, usually … more
The popular song “Mary did you know,” asks whether Mary knew everything that would happen to Christ. We are somewhat in the realm of speculation, but we can come to some conclusions. For … more
In his article “A Christmas Sermon for Pagans,” C.S. Lewis distinguishes between pagans and post-Christians. Pagans differ from post-Christians in that they are actually religious. … more
Atop the Via Veneto in Rome sits one of the strangest – and most macabre – displays of baroque architecture dating to the 17th century. The aptly named “bone church,” or … more
When was the first Thanksgiving, and where was it celebrated? Ask any fifth- or sixth-grader that question, and he or she will probably respond by saying, “1621, in Plymouth, … more
The year was 1938, and the French Catholic philosopher Jacques Maritain delivered a powerful radio address against antisemitism, as relevant today as it was then. His words, spoken in the shadow of … more
The armistice began at the eleventh hour on the eleventh day of the eleventh month. It marked the general end of hostilities of World War I and the beginning of peace negotiations. To this day, we … more
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