Where are the activists on behalf of creation?



For us, as a faith community, the information that science is presenting from the farthermost reaches of the universe has something to say about God, whose action is embedded in a 13.7 billion year dynamic, evolving process.

The sacredness of the planet, the nature and deep meaning of life itself, imbued with the Divine and gifted with inherent creative power, impels us to see right action on behalf of Earth at the heart of our Christian faith.

The intrinsic value of creation in Catholic theology contrasted with the contemporary plight of the planet, — from human induced global climate change, to the extinction of species, to the depletion of the fisheries, to the destruction of the rainforest, to the depletion of the soils, to the over pumping of the world’s aquifers, to the devastation of mountaintop removal, to the impact of all our choices on the very poor — makes me wonder, where are the activists on behalf of


Our pope and bishops urge us to “Care for Creation.” Are we hearing their words from the pulpit, seeing the trickledown effect of their urgings in our churches? Can we join with our sisters and brothers from all faith traditions who are already on board and work together with the 350 Movement, Interfaith Power and Light, and other organizations that understand the crisis needs to be met with strong political witness?

The Senate is scheduled to take up landmark climate and energy legislation soon. The House has already passed a strong act. A strong climate bill is going to be essential. It is time to unleash our political will and let our government know we intend to confront climate change with creativity and resilience. It will be imperative that Catholics witness on a large scale by reducing our own addiction to oil, by standing up against big corporations who continue to ravage Earth, and by changing our lifestyles.

The 21st century, many say, will be known as “the Great Turning” as we transition from fossil fuels and seize the opportunity for clean energy innovation. The country that acts, whether it is the US or China, will lead a greatly diminished Earth forward. I urge RI Catholics to make Earth a critical concern along with right action on behalf of the entire life of the planet.

Mary Pendergast, RSM

Ecology Initiatives

Sisters of Mercy, Pawtucket