Where are all the good men?


Recent unveilings of sexual misconduct by men in politics, entertainment and the media have people asking the question “Where are all the good men?” It is a fair question to ask by men and women alike. To find an answer, it is worth taking a look at etymology.

In Latin, the term for man is “vir.” Interestingly, the Latin word “virtus” (manliness, moral perfection, and excellence) takes its root in “vir.” You don’t need to be a linguist to notice the inherent etymological connection with being a man and acting virtuously. Of course, virtue is not only for men since it is an overall human enterprise; however, the etymological connection between virtue and manliness is intrinsic — the connection cannot go unnoticed.

Harvey Weinstein and his cohort of abusers have utterly failed in the economy of virtue. Their abuse of power and exploitation of women in every kind of circumstance shows their failure to uphold and respect the dignity of the women they abused.

In the wake of the revelations of aforementioned abusive behavior, the elephant in the room of the wider cultural conversation seems to be saying, “What are we going to do moving forward?” That truth-talking elephant is right: what are we — especially men — going to do moving forward?

I think it’s the appropriate time for a critical analysis of young men in our culture.

The generation of millennial men to which I am a member of is not seeking to live virtuously. I wish I could say there’s a wave of virtue-conscious men waiting to take the reins of society and reestablish a morally healthy culture, but I can’t. Just look to social media to see what men of my generation are doing.

Social media outlets that attract the attention of my age bracket colleagues continually show animalistic and herd-like behavior that is below the conduct proper to human beings. While consuming at keg stands was the brain cell killing activity of choice when I was in college (just a few years ago), now it seems that jumping on and breaking plastic tables is the provocation of many a young man. “But we’re not hurting anyone; we’re just having fun,” is their innocent response. True enough, but what are the long-term effects of normalizing this behavior as fun and recreational?

For millennial men like myself, now is the time for a return to a more traditional and virtuous way of living. Living a life rooted in the virtues — particularly the four cardinal virtues — is the antidote and solution for our societal woes. Prudence helps us step back from the world in order to more fully discern the proper means to achieve the good. Prudence, says German philosopher Josef Pieper, “[is] the perfected ability to make good choices” and “the cause of the virtues’ being virtues at all.” Justice, the rendering unto others whatever is their due, aids us in properly interacting and dealing with individuals. Living justly helps us to recognize what is owed to others, whether in the workplace, a marriage, a business exchange, etc. Temperance, the moderating of our bodily appetites, helps us not only to acquire physical health, but much more importantly, it helps us refine and exercise self-restraint. Lastly, fortitude, or “courage,” helps us to not only face fears and injustices, but battle them as well.

The four cardinal virtues can and must govern the realm of human sexuality. Their governance will bring about a society that is truly healthy when it comes to human sexuality — a society that cherishes the beauty of sexuality rather than let it be determined only by mere consent. Men, women, and the children they bear will be better off because of it. I have hope that this can be achieved.

Men: we cannot allow for animalistic behavior to be the norm for being and acting — moral mediocrity is no longer acceptable. Let us strive for a virtuous life, one that hinges on the four cardinal virtues. Let us never again see the morally evil acts of Weinstein and co.

Dan McQuillan is a teacher in Providence. He holds a B.A. in Philosophy from St. John’s University and is a M.A. candidate at Holy Apostles College and Seminary.