What it means to be Pro-life



This year, on Jan. 22, we observed a tragically sad milestone — the 40th anniversary of the Roe vs. Wade decision.

Since its passing, which opened the floodgates of abortion in our nation, 55 million abortions have been performed. Just imagine the real possibilities of aborted babies who otherwise would have grown up t possibly become doctors who might have come up with a cure for cancer or HIV. Maybe a young fetus could have been born to be a great president of our country. The possibilities are real endless.

Blessed Mother Teresa once said, "If abortion is not wrong, nothing is wrong." She went on to comment that the U.S. Supreme Court decision was a grave decision that "deformed" a great nation. Former President Ronald Reagan also once said," that everyone who is for abortion is already alive."

To be pro-life, pro-family and pro-poor is a value system we should all strive to get back to and never, ever compromise on if this nation is to survive.

Richard D. Walsh

East Greenwich