Voting based on a single issue not ‘shortsighted or irresponsible’


To the Editor:

As Ann Sullivan pointed out in her letter, voting is indeed a heavy responsibility, not only because those we elect have the task of “leading us through good times,” but also because those we elect have a direct effect on how well our society is ordered towards moral goodness. In the Our Father, we pray that the world might reflect the Kingdom of Heaven, and voting according to Catholic morals is the most practical manner in which this prayer is made manifest. Regretfully, those who believe that voting based upon a single issue is “shortsighted and irresponsible,” have been sorely deceived. Allowing the horror of abortion to inform one’s vote is Catholic in the truest sense of the word. It reflects a universal and holistic perspective. We have been divinely commanded by Our Lord to feed the hungry, to clothe the naked, to care for the needy. But the right to life precedes all of these in eminence. We must remember that abortion is absolutely evil. We must remember that the devil takes violent delight in the fact that our great country continues to perpetuate the abhorrent right to an abortion.

Anthony Cardello, Cranston