Tolerance and challenging public officials


To The Editor:

Thank you, Bishop Tobin for the great article in the RI Catholic on March 26, 2009 entitled " Jesus isn't always nice." Also in that edition are two others worthy of praise: (1) "When Legend Overshadows the Facts" (Editorial) and (2) "Has God been Replaced?" (Deacon Dominic Di Orio's letter to the editor).

An important point Bishop Tobin emphasized was that Jesus "spoke the truth because He loved people and was concerned for their salvation." I believe it is essential for disciples of Jesus to have the same love and concern for others. While many criticisms are being made against the Obama Administration, it is clear that President Obama and his Presidential Team are not to be condemned. On the contrary, we must pray for them and all Public Officials that they will realize the responsibility they have before God when making decisions. Not only are we obliged to pray but we are also obliged to act in the face of injustice. One of the spiritual works of mercy is to stand up for moral principles which is often hard to do. But we must out of love and concern for souls. Therefore, we are bound to challenge (in the words of the Editorial) "President Obama's steadfast and unyielding support for abortion and his efforts to expand other extreme anti-life policies". To quote Archbishop Charles J. Chaput (from Bishop Tobin's article) "tolerating or excusing grave evil in a society is itself a grave evil....And it is not a Christian virtue."

My question is: What makes so many Christians, not only tolerate or excuse grave evil in our society, but actually defend and passionately protect it? For many of us, that is very difficult to understand.

Sister Jane Culligan, SC
