Staying close to the altar



I would like to encourage Father Connors to continue writing his reflections on the Eucharist (Staying close to the altar, March 21,2013) in which he refers to the role of the ordained priest in the celebration of the Mass.

However in addition I think we all could greatly benefit from reading the Dogmatic Constitution on the Church of the Second Vatican Council which defined so eloquently the equality of all believers.

The common priesthood of the faithful and the ministerial priesthood share in the one priesthood of Christ, each in its own way. I think we all could deepen our spirituality if we understood a little more fully that we all join in the offering of the Eucharist. The laity too offer the divine victim to God when we celebrate the Eucharist. We have been encouraged to read and reflect on the teachings of the Second Vatican Council during this 50th anniversary year and perhaps Father Connors could help us accomplish that in his future columns.

We all need to stay close to the altar where we offer our sacrifice.

Rev. Eugene J. McKenna
