¡Sí se puede! Yes we can!


In a public letter sent to the Director of the U.S. Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), Bishop Thomas J. Tobin, joined by 15 local pastors, boldly and bravely called for a stop to immigration raids in the State of Rhode Island.

Citing the need for a moratorium on the raids, which have caused fear and anxiety in the large immigrant community in this state, the bishop described the raids as “unjust, unnecessary and counter-productive.” The letter also asked that ICE agents and staff evaluate the morality of their cooperation with immigration raids “in the context of their faith and sanctity of their conscience.”

Of course the recent ICE raids in Providence and Newport were lawful, and the arrests of undocumented immigrants perfectly legal. Some even suggest such raids are necessary to stem the tide of undocumented workers crossing our borders. However, when raids serve only to instill fear and split up families, they can hardly be described as just or necessary. The Church has consistently advocated respect for civil laws and the recognition of legitimate civil authority. However, she has also consistently taught that not all human laws are equal or just, especially those that violate human dignity.

The enforcement of the law by ICE, with such ferocity and grandiosity, clearly was legal but hardly a just treatment of men and women already exploited by greedy and corrupt employers. The aggressive enforcement tactics and the speedy shipment of the arrested workers to out-of-state locations all suggest that human dignity was not a consideration in implementing the immigration laws of our nation. The fact is, the existing national immigration system does not work and has resulted in a steadily growing number of people entering our nation without permission and living in the shadows of our society, often exploited by corrupt employers.

Bishop Tobin’s call for a moratorium on ICE raids presents a logical and welcome opportunity for the restoration of calm in the immigrant community now shattered by panic and fear. The unjust separation of families dramatically demonstrates the need for immigration reform that will provide a pathway to citizenship, protect our security, and promote human dignity. As Bishop Tobin correctly stated in his letter to ICE: “It is our hope that such reform will make immigration raids obsolete.”

While there can be legitimate debate on how to begin fixing a broken system, there is no room for the demagogic diatribes and bigoted insensitivities that have dogged the debate in recent months. Rhode Islanders, especially Catholics, must begin to realize that they too are descendant of immigrants who were often unwelcome, unwanted and exploited. We call upon Rhode Island’s Congressional leaders to end their deafening silence on the immigration issue and take up the cause of reform in the U.S. Congress. For far too long, their voices have been muted by the demagoguery; now it’s time for them to step forth and lead not only Rhode Island but also the nation in real reform.

The immigrant community often expresses their hope that America offers a better life for them and their families with cries of ¡Sí se puede! – Yes, we can! Last week Bishop Tobin joined in courageously declaring Yes, we can!

Yes, we can do better in the treatment of undocumented workers. Yes, we can reform and fix a broken immigration system. Yes, we can stop the unjust and unnecessary ICE raids. Yes, we can end the fear and panic of immigrants. Yes, we can promote the common good and a humane society. Let all Rhode Islanders, especially Catholics, join the chorus of ¡Sí se puede! and begin to truly welcome the strangers among us with cries of Yes we can!