Playing politics with human life


On Monday President Obama reversed the Bush administration limits on federal financing of embryonic stem cell research.

Joining the President as he signed the executive order overturning President Bush’s policy was Rhode Island Congressman James Langevin who, despite his pro-life stances on a number of issues, has long been an advocate of immoral embryonic stem cell research. In championing embryonic stem cell research both Congressman Langevin and President Obama are promoting a very costly scientific research project that has failed to produce any substantial results. Taxpayer’s funds will now go directly to fund a failed and immoral science project that directly kills human life and appears to have failed in achieving its stated goal of medical advancements.

The executive order places ideology and political posturing at the forefront of scientific research and largely ignores proven therapeutic advancements of adult stem cell and other moral stem cell research. There are countless cases of patients who have been treated, even cured of their debilitating condition following stem cell therapies that do not directly destroy human embryos. President Obama and Congressman Langevin have ignored this reality in favor of making every tax-paying American citizen complicit in the immoral destruction of human embryos. Their political posturing only results in the further promotion and more costly payment for an unproven and utilitarian experimental research that is horrifically immoral.

President Obama suggested it was part of his “strategy for restoring scientific integrity to government decision making.” Rather than restoring “integrity to government decision making” he has removed morality from not only governmental decision making but from scientific research. In his recent remarks at the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington, DC, the President stated: “There is no God who condones taking the life of an innocent human being. This much we know.” Unfortunately this profound statement by President Obama rings hollow as demonstrated in his latest executive order to destroy human embryos in the name of science. In announcing his decision to federally finance embryonic stem cell research, the President and his supporters have signed a death warrant for the taking of innocent human lives.