It’s time to put down our stones



It is ironic that our new pope, Francis, was elected right before the gospel reading of the adulteress being stoned and Jesus exhorting the men to put down their stones unless they are without sin.

I do hope our new Pope is able to help us to put down our stones as a Catholic Church. It is clear that we as a church, as a people, are not without sin. The sex abuse scandal and the discourse among cardinals in Rome, just points to the very humanity of our church. It is very painful and very humbling.

As a church, we still stand with stones in our hands, fists clenched refusing to stop judging and hurting and holding at bay those we judge as sinners. You cannot embrace someone if you have rocks in your hands. We have kept so many from knowing the tender mercy of our God by alienating them from our church.. We are all sinners, none more worthy than the other.

I pray that Pope Francis will bring us to a kinder and more loving church where all are welcomed and embraced.

Carol Wilcox
