Fr. Kiley speaks ‘nothing but the truth’


To the Editor:

Just finished reading Father Kiley's column regarding gay marriage, and I feel he has outdone himself if that is possible. [“Hollywood may back gay marriage, but common sense doesn’t,” RI Catholic, Nov. 13, 2008] Marriage is being attacked on all fronts and we as Catholics must strive to impress on people the importance of marriage between a man and a woman.

Father Kiley makes many salient points in his column and makes a strong argument for the sanctity of marriage in this day and age when secular progressives are attacking everything that is right and proper.

I urge Father Kiley to continue the fight. He speaks nothing but the truth.

Perhaps in the near future Father Kiley can find the time to publish some of the great columns he has written over the many years. It would make a great book and I am sure fantastic reading.

Harold L. Trafford Jr.
