Father Leahy should ‘stand firm’ and restore BC’s Catholic identity


To the Editor:

Boston College, a once-proud Catholic institution of higher learning, began to change its Catholic image three decades ago about the time a once-staunch Jesuit defender of innocent human life became a political apologist for legalized abortion.

Since that time B.C.’s hierarchy has sold out its soul for federal funds by condoning on campus the establishment of organizations (such as pro-abortion and pro-homosexual groups) whose agenda contradict core Catholic values and teachings. A past president of the college even went so far as to endorse publicly a pro-abortion candidate for President of the United States.

Now, we have here at Boston College a president who is trying to restore B.C.’s Catholic credentials. He has begun by returning crucifixes to the classrooms. For this, Father William Leahy should be highly commended- not crucified on a cross of tolerance and diversity, as some B.C. faculty and other critics have tried to do. Their reaction only serves to prove that old saying that “a little knowledge (and a lot, too) can be a dangerous thing.”

Congratulations Father Leahy! Prayers and best wishes to you as you continue your difficult restoration project. Stand firm.

Richard A. Carey

Needham, Massachusetts