Catholic Relief Services Doing His work


On April 25, a devastating earthquake hit the country of Nepal. Because of deliberate pre-positioning of aid in nearby India, once again Catholic Relief Services and their partner organization Caritas International, were among the first on the scene to offer aid and support. Even as the ground still trembled with aftershocks, CRS began distributing supplies and relief efforts to thousands. As the estimated victim count may rise to near 10,000, CRS has plans to reach 15,000 survivors in need of shelter, food, and basic necessities in the name of the Catholic Church.

As the official relief and development arm for world-wide humanitarian efforts, the Unites States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Catholic Relief Services is a major way by which Catholics in our country can assist our neighbors in need around the globe.

In Nepal, where professed Christians represent about one percent of the mostly Hindu population, Catholics may be proud and boast in the Lord that despite the worldwide attacks on Christianity, in the name of Jesus they continue to do His work. Despite the conditions and challenges they will serve those in need. Regardless of physical and philosophical persecutions, the Church will never cease to be Christ to others.

By supporting Catholic Relief Services and bowing down in fervent prayer for victims of natural disasters everywhere, we acknowledge a world still being created, physically and spiritually, in to His image and Likeness and we live our role in bringing heaven to Earth.