An evening with our bishop



To a packed crowd of parishioners, our Bishop Tobin came to visit us at our parish.

It is truly amazing how many of us did come for him to speak on the ‘Year of Faith,’ proclaimed by our Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI. “A time to reflect on our Savior of the world.”

Bishop Tobin expressed, “There is an urgency in the new evangelization. Our church has become defensive today because of secularism, atheism, etc. Our culture has had a change in morals, in defining marriage,” which has already been defined by God himself. “The best way to have a defense is to have a good offense. Know your faith. Live your faith. We should be proud to live our faith. The foundation of all Evangelism is our own personal holiness.”

He spoke of the saints, and as Catholics, we always turn to them. How did they become so holy? They had some weaknesses and a sinful nature. What is the difference for holiness?

It was their priority through prayer and devotion. They had Scripture, the Holy Father, and the sacraments. Many had role models. The difference is, they thirsted for it.

Bishop Tobin used a new word called, “acetia,” which means a weakliness and inability to work or pray.” He explained that there are very few people that are angry all the time. The spiritual is the opposite of acetia.

It’s only with persistence and holiness that we are able to reach our goal in life. At times, it can become discouraging. Faith is tangible regardless of your particular station in life. “Do your best and ask for God’s grace!”

I really tried hard to quote Bishop Tobin correctly. He offered many beautiful comments during his visit. Truly he is shepherding us.

Marilyn Brennan
